Super-Efficient Rule Engine for Better Decision-Making



Higson takes versioning to the next level. Users can connect multiple rules and create a coherent configuration of their rule set.


The only rule engine with a clear tree structure of business rules, making it super easy for users to navigate.


Rule evaluation is extremely fast – 62 times faster compared to leading business rules engine on the market!

Changes Without Assistance from the IT Department

Higson allows users to modify existing rules and add new ones instantly without help from IT.
Excel Import / Export
Do business users prefer Excel? No worries. Higson lets users import and export decision table values from Excel files.
Schedule free proof of concept
We believe that a picture is worth a 1000 words. That's why we offer to do a small POC free of charge so you can see your rules in our tool

Decision table

It's not just a feature; It represents a way to simplify complex rule management.


In some cases, users need to write more complex logic. We decided to use Groovy language – very simple for simple logic, yet powerful.

Development cycle

Standard development cycle
Update business logic
Create a task for IT department
Any change in the application code also means you have to test more functions in case of interdependencies
Any change in the application code means the new software version has to be released
Often it implicates whole application doesn’t work, so the change is processed at night
Any change in the application code also means you have to test more functions in case of interdependencies
You conduct user tests to see, whether business logic is correct
You deploy new version of application to production environment

More features


Higson Studio provides a testing module for business rules. This means that every user, before publishing changes, can test whether the rules work as desired and check the impact on other rules by using a mass tester to perform regression tests. For convenience, input data for mass tests can be prepared in an Excel file and imported to Higson.

Private session

There is no limit to the number of users working simultaneously. Hence, every user has their session(register of changes) and works on the common environment applying their private changes. Those changes are not visible to other users before publishing. There is also a warning message if two users start to modify the same rule.

Rules provisioning

Usually, the process of development includes more than one environment, which creates a need to provision the configuration of rules. Higson provides a mechanism of snapshots that export the current configuration to text files. These files can be stored in an external repository or can be easily imported into another environment.


Higson can be used independently in many different processes of the same organization by creating separate profiles in Higson Studio. This makes it possible to use the best features of Higson by different teams at the same time, without affecting other business segments.
Higson Studio provides a controlled way of defining inputs, which may either be simple types or complex structures. The rules use this context to reference actual business data needed to evaluate a decision.
Works with SQL database
Higson application uses SQL databases for storing rule configurations. Supported databases: Oracle, MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MySQL.

Dev mode

Special mode to speed up the initial phase of the development. When the developer connects the rules to the application, this mode can be activated to skip the publishing phase of the rules. Each change is immediately visible to the outside world.

Persistence Engine

Higson comes with a persistence engine that is based on the context definition. Its usage is optional, but it speeds up the development process of Java applications. Users can configure their object structure in Higson and let it manage the read/write operations. This is the implementation of the ORM concept.
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Higson is a part
of the Gartner Toolkit:
Decision Management
Suite Vendor Profiles.
Discover Higson Pricing Models
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