Managing a dynamic product portfolio requires agility, precision, and seamless integration across IT systems.
Higson revolutionizes product catalog management by centralizing product definitions and enabling real-time synchronization across systems.
How Higson Transforms Poduct Management:
Centralized Product Management: Higson consolidates all product definitions in one place, eliminating fragmentation and ensuring consistency across all systems and processes.
Domain-Driven Design: By leveraging Domain-Driven Design principles, Higson enables businesses to structure products flexibly, accommodating complex relationships, subgroups, and dependencies without compromising usability.
Version Control Made Simple: Every product and its attributes are versioned, allowing you to track changes over time, roll back if needed, and maintain a clear audit trail.
Key Features
Higson Studio
Web UI that lets users to manage their business rules
Higson Runtime
Engine embeddable as a lightweight jar
Higson Rest API
Evaluate parameters or functions via HTTP
Time Versioning
Create multiple versions of the business logic and schedule them in a timeline
Domain Designer
Design any domain you want to configure with business logic
Engine embeddable as a lightweight jar
Persistance Engine
Design any domain you want to configure with business logic
Built-in Profilers
Monitor the usage of decision tables and DSL scripts or functions
Import / Export To Excel
You can import / export configuration from / to Excel